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you can’t be serious
你不会当真的  detail>>
you can be serious without a suit
不穿西装 也能正经  detail>>
are you serious
你当真吗  detail>>
are you serious that sounds crazy
我很想看看是什么样子的  detail>>
you can
不准过去 连用时 你不能凭他嘴上说的就算数  detail>>
can can you
将你装于  detail>>
you can not take it with you
死不带去  detail>>
you know you can
你知道你能够  detail>>
can’t you see can’t you see
难道你不明了  detail>>
you can run away but you can’t hide
你可以离家,但是不可以躲起来。  detail>>
you look very serious about something
你似乎有很严重的事  detail>>
and you can win, if you dare
你能赢,取决于你挑战的坚定  detail>>
and you know you can survive
相信你就能挺过去  detail>>
you can divide this between you
这个你们可以两人平分  detail>>
you can win if you want
成功需努力  detail>>
all you can eat
吃到饱  detail>>
and i can’t believe it’s you
我不能确信这是你  detail>>
art you can eat
可以吃的艺术品  detail>>